360 launch new ‘Design Your Own Brochure’ tool with Topps Tiles
We’ve been busy over the past month working closely with Topps Tiles on their new ‘Design You Own Brochure’ tool, which allows you to create a unique brochure featuring only products you’ve chosen. Once created, you can then easily save, email, print or share your brochure with family and friends.
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Twitter turns 10!
Twitter celebrated its 10th birthday last month, a fact that many might find it hard to believe Twitter given the profound impact it has had to the way we communicate and share information digitally.
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Image retouching
As the famous idiom goes: “a picture is worth a thousand words” - a statement just as true today as it was 100 years ago. Although we’re bombarded by images in this digital age we live in, an image can still be highly evocative and can connect with an individual very powerfully in a way that prose often can’t do as instantaneously.
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