Animation in Emails
Support for animation in emails is now more comprehensive than ever. Adding animation into an email campaign can really help grab your users' attention and make your design much more appealing.
Animated gifs have enjoyed a recent renaissance, fuelled by social media and apps that make their creation even easier. In the past, support for animated gifs in emails has been poor, but marketers can now use them with confidence. In fact, the only email client that currently doesn’t fully support them is (take a guess)… Microsoft Outlook. Currently, support is poor across different versions of Outlook, where generally only the first frame of the animation will appear. This means any important information must be visible on the first frame or else it won’t display.
Adding animation to an email can be useful for many marketing purposes, but here are just a few ideas:
- To make a sale or discount message really stand out, or to provide additional information about the sale
- To display additional views of a product, where normally only one would be seen
- To preview a video by showing a few seconds of footage to whet the users’ appetite
- To create a sense of movement in an otherwise static or quite simple design
If you would like to discuss professionally designed email campaigns or animation in emails with a member of the team, please do get in touch.